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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

my latest books...

sorry I can't seem to flip this photo...arrrgh....guess you need to tilt your head a

yep these are the latest bit of books to add to my stack of reading...I read constantly so I need to keep a pile going...check these out I thought they would be fun...stamping mystery and spooky mysteries..I have to admit the covers of the spooky ones inspire me soo...I love the look of them...anyhow just thought I would share these...Hey Cindy I think Gee might like the spooky ones...they do look like fun... a new indigo opened up not to far away...oh I love book stores almost as much as scrappy they have a super section for you can see Steven by the wall in the picture above...thanks for looking everyone...grab a cookie and book and sit down for a bit...


Cindye Wile said...

i've heard of this series ... gotta pick some up. Gotta love a easy read. :)

Trish a.k.a stampi said...

I agree ..I tend to pick up and put down my books regularly at work and on the bus etc so if its to involved ...I just get those reads are for winter...I'm sure Gee will like the spook ones for fun...