I am thrilled this is my two minutes of fame...I have never been recognized publicly for anything I have done before...this is a first and a moment to remember for me...
I made a whole album of my aunt's backyard and I decided to send this one in. I must have done so at the right time. Months later I was sent an email saying they would love to use my layout in the upcoming Canadian Scrapbooker basics 4...I was floored really ...really ?...it was true I sent it off and then waited oh about 3 months before the layout came back and another 3 weeks before the magazine came out..I was nervous, excited, embarrassed, proud, scared you name it I went through all the emotions obviously I am not good with recognition...anyhow that's my story and here are my pictures and please understand I send in lots and lots of layout all the time never expecting to hear anything so don't be discouraged just keep sending stuff in and you never know....I am glad that all the money I spend on my craft of choice lead me to this wonderful moment that I can share with my son and family, and all of you my extended family...thank you for all the support and caring...okay how was that for my two minutes of fame speech...lol...